Friday, 20 December 2013

Following the Star

I have been working with the symbol of a shining six-pointed Star for nearly fifty years now. Year by year I have found great personal help from it and help in focusing my thoughts and prayers and healing meditations. Obviously, it feels a particularly significant symbol at this season of the year. The traditional Christmas story tells of the Wise Men following a Star to find the birthplace of Jesus, the Christ child. Each aspect of the Christmas story is symbolic (as White Eagle explains in his teachings) and we could interpret the ‘Wise Men’ as pilgrims on their spiritual journey, seeking their goal of heavenly wisdom and illumination. The Star guides them on their way, as it guides us all if we open our hearts and lift up our eyes to heavenly things.

In Healing the World White Eagle says: ‘We in the world of spirit could weld you closer together! We would unite you heart to heart, so that you work as a great Star of light. When you visualise the Star and send it forth, you are sending out pure light into the world. You are truly healing the world. Nothing but good is accomplished by your linking with the Star). Train yourself to concentrate upon that symbol of the Christ-life, the shining six-pointed Star, for it will guide you, unfailingly, to the place of perfect healing.’… and in the book Festivals & Celebrations he says in ‘A Meditation for Christmas’: ‘In the silence…with the Star shining from above, and the angel choirs singing their song of love, peace and goodwill, the Child in everyone stirs.’

And so, my personal wish to you this Christmas time is that the thought and image of a shining Star of great light and love will help lead you to your own inner ‘stable’ (or temple) where you will re-experience the magic of the Christ birth and receive a blessing of renewed faith, love, reassurance and peace of heart.



Monday, 9 December 2013

Nelson Mandela

David Cameron is quoted as saying (on hearing of the death of Nelson Mandela), ‘A great light has gone out in the world’. I would say that a great light has shone upon the world through his physical lifetime, and that light will continue to shine and inspire generations to come. He is indeed a great torch bearer for humankind.

As the tributes to this amazing man pour in from around the world, we must all be touched by his extraordinary example of courage, forbearance and unconditional love. After twenty-seven years of imprisonment, his thoughts were of forgiveness and how to help South Africa forward in a new era. His vision was and I believe always will be, a vision of universal brotherhood, race with race, religion with religion, country with country.

In some ways maybe in his death, he will be giving the world as much as he gave in his lifetime, as the new generations hear afresh about what he thought and what he achieved, as the media put their spotlight upon him. ‘All nations have to learn to live together in harmony’ was his message. ‘He was prepared to die for his cause’ was a quote from a close associate. Maybe, indeed, in his dying, his vision will be fulfilled.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Advent's Inner Blessing

I always feel this time of Advent is very special. We have just held our ‘Advent Spiral Celebration’ here in the Temple at New Lands for families, children and indeed everyone who wished to join in and it was quite magical—the Temple in semi-darkness, the ad hoc choir singing and the children one by one lighting their candles and gradually creating a beautiful spiral of light on the Temple floor. And at the London Lodge we held our traditional Advent Service following this year our community day of celebration and thankfulness as we prepare to move our Lodge at the physical level.

Although Christmas can be a joyously anticipated time of festivity, I know that for many it is very poignant. Perhaps it is the time of year more than any other when loved ones who have passed on are missed. It is also a time which may be particularly lonely for those without (or separated from) their families.

White Eagle’s teaching brings great comfort. He reminds us that our dear ones are only separated from us physically and that we can all learn to feel their never ending love surrounding us, if we put aside the doubting mind of everyday and ‘open our hearts’. For me, advent time is about ‘opening our hearts’. Life in the physical body is so often about change, surrender and acceptance. (This is the Wise Men’s gift of myrrh!). But the Wise Men also brought frankincense—the holy incense which awakens the consciousness to heavenly wisdom and allows us to accept into our hearts the gift of gold. The gold is the absolute certainly of God’s love and care for all of us and the knowledge that ‘nothing happens by chance’. God’s love is perfect. God’s timing is perfect. I believe that the more we can hold onto our faith no matter what, the more we can accept in our hearts the inner blessing of this special time of year.

White Eagle says this of those who have passed into the world of light: 

When you are happy at the Christmas festival wherever you are you can be quite sure that you have with you those you love. At Christmas time your friends come to you and talk to you in their own way. Do not reject impressions which they give to you of their presence and their love.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Compassion and Understanding

When I look at the news and see the devastation and human suffering in the Philippines, White Eagle’s teaching enables me to find a way of helping through working with the Star. 
It also helps me to look for the spiritual purpose of such an event, so that I can hold on to hope and not sink into emotions which would not help the radiating of the Light. 
Listening to the news of planes arriving from a multitude of countries bringing aid, I was struck by the possibility that again one of those spiritual reasons might be to bring the whole world together as one—helping us further in our understanding that we are one world, not many individual countries, and that what affects one part of that world affects all. 
And what moved me the most was that this message comes not through preaching, but through the sacrifice of so many souls to stimulate the compassion of others. One of the planes mentioned was from Spain, for example, and when you consider how relatively poor that country is at the moment, it fills one’s heart with awareness of the greatness of humanity—the ability of us all to rise in times of suffering and say: ‘Here am I Lord, use me.’ This is what we do, of course, when we think of the Star shining over the Philippines, which I’m sure you are all doing at the moment, bringing the aid of the angels and the Christ light to help those on earth. 
And of those who have been flung out of life White Eagle says: ‘Souls who are cast violently into the beyond…are instantly and tenderly taken care of…hardly have they realised it before someone is there to help them…You would be surprised if you could see the extent of the organisation…according to the needs of the particular soul, so the helper is chosen, someone who can most easily or readily communicate with the soul in need…the world of spirit is very normal, and has all things which the lower etheric of the soul just detached from the physical will want. You naturally think of heaven as being a most beautiful place, which indeed it is. Remember at the same time that a comforting meal might seem heavenly to some soul which has just been released from physical conditions.’

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Ghana - A Country Rich In Gold

The national flag of Ghana is brightly coloured—green, yellow and red. 

As many of you know, I have just spent two weeks in this beautiful country and I have been thinking how appropriate the vibration of these colours is for the soil of this land. The green brings the energy of its verdant natural landscape, abundant with flowers, trees and fruits. The red reflects the colour of the actual soil. As I walked on this red earth it was not difficult for me to feel the underlying strength of Africa, the Earth Devas and the embrace of Earth Mother.

Walking on the earth reinforced my belief that there truly is a strong spiritual light burning brightly is the heart of this great continent of Africa and that it manifests strongly in Ghana. This country was called the Gold Coast in days gone by before its independence. During my visit I was walking in an area of the country where gold has recently been discovered. There has indeed been a gold rush. Many have been tempted by the thought of getting rich quickly, but as the saying goes ‘all that glitters is not gold’ and some are disappointed and learning valuable spiritual lessons. Actually, I feel that at its spiritual heart there is a great store of inner gold in Ghana, so it does not surprise me that the third colour of its flag is the bright golden yellow (which is also the colour of spiritual wisdom). I believe Ghana has a golden opportunity to be one of the leaders of a new era in Africa of stable just leadership and true brotherhood. It is sad to note that many African countries have drifted into partial or full anarchy during the last 20 years. This emphasises the urgency of building the light to restore the continent to order and dispel the fear of so many. Ghana is indeed playing its part in this. After its troubled and corrupt early history, it now has more enlightened leadership—by chance I saw part of a TV programme in which the President was offering his new code of ethics (i.e. no more bribes). Maybe this is another example of the leader working under the Star of the new age of awakening brotherhood. (I have previously written of others.) Indeed, I believe the Star is working in many places in Africa. I have just heard that the M23 rebels have ceased their fighting and this will have a stabilising effect on Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo, bringing peace and normality for all the people living in this extensive area.

Our new Star Centre—our White Eagle Star Centre for West Africa—(opened and dedicated during my recent visit) in Ghana will boost the Star light in this ‘Country of Gold’. The light shines through the hearts and lives of so many. The natural character of these lovely people is indeed pure gold—warmth of heart, friendliness, a strong sense of community and daily practice of Jesus’ commandment to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’. So ‘may the golden light of the Star shine brightly in the heart of Ghana and its people all and throughout Africa’.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A Torch of Brotherhood!

‘The most important thing in the Olympic games is not to WIN but to take part.’

I believe the whole world was blessed in 2012 by the happiness, harmony and increased understanding between individuals and nations generated by the London

summer Olympic games. So many stories of individual courage and endeavour emerged—particularly during the following Para-Olympics. The energy of shared and brotherly comradeship has continued for many months into 2013. Although, obviously, there are the news stories of suffering and sadness, there are also many which celebrate individual heroism. Now the world looks forward to the Winter Olympic games in Russia. Last week the Olympic torch set off on its 123 day journey of 40,000 miles before it comes back to the Black Sea resort for the opening of the games on 7th February 2014. Mr. Putin said: ‘Today is a joyous and momentous day. The Olympic flame—the symbol of the planet’s main sports event, the symbol of peace and friendship—has arrived in Russia, and in a few minutes it will be on its way around our huge country.’

It seems very significant to me that at the same time as the Olympic torch is on its journey (which includes travel to the North Pole and ascending Europe’s highest mountain), the Commonwealth Games baton (containing a secret message from the Queen) has set off on its journey—this one is 120,000 miles across Asia, Oceana, Africa, North and South America, returning to the UK for the opening ceremony in Glasgow on 23rd July.

What a wonderful opportunity both these travelling symbols of brotherhood and peace, bring to our world for the months ahead, uniting us all as they journey through all these diverse countries. In Healing the World White Eagle reminds us that we can all be ‘light-bearers’. It makes me think that though we may not physically carry the Olympic torch or Commonwealth Games baton, we can carry the Christ power and light wherever we go, through our love and thoughtfulness, and energy of peace. White Eagle says:‘Your task is to be a peacemaker and a light-bearer. Radiate peace in your world and in your own country. All can recognise the spirit within themselves and within their brothers and sisters. All can put on one side earthly standards, and see humanity through the eyes of the spirit. So often humans bow the head and look at the earth instead of looking up to the heavens to see the vision of the spiritual realms, the kingdom of God.’

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Can One Person Really Make a Difference?

White Eagle tells us that they can! Recently I opened White Eagle’s book Healing the World at this page: ‘In world affairs the individual work may turn the scale, may turn the affairs of humankind from evil to good. Good comes out of evil or ignorance. Good will come but you must know this truth in your hearts and minds. Your thoughts must dwell upon it; your speech must express this divine truth. You must live in the Star, and however contrary the conditions of earth may be, never give way to pessimism; never in any situation. Be sure that if you think aright, think creatively and positively, you are an instrument of God, for you set into operation the law of divine love, and the results will be wholly good.’
Although the media news is often full of sad and distressing stories, it seems to me there are an increasing number of stories/events that give real hope that there is an actual change in consciousness taking place in many millions of people throughout the world. White Eagle has long told us that the coming of the new Golden Age of Brotherhood will be brought about by many individuals turning their thoughts and their faces to the light, rather than the dark.
New leaders are emerging on the world stage who have definitely turned their faces towards light and reconciliation, rather than keeping to entrenched ideas from the past and the sense of individual territory. For me personally, the newly re-elected German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is one of them. Like me you may have seen Andrew Marr’s BBC documentary about this remarkable woman. In a very interesting way she seems to be a bridge between the past Piscean Age and our present day Aquarian Age of working together for brotherly understanding, forgiveness and moving on. Her background is so interesting, having her roots in the Eastern sector of the old divided Germany (before the Berlin Wall came down).
Andrew Marr’s programme showed so clearly how, in her style of leadership, she is actually demonstrating a whole new way of being—a leadership from the heart, calling upon the intuitive heart in all humanity to arise, rather than the hard, mental, war-like energies of the past. It seems that Angela is an iron lady with a velvet glove, and with a very soft and open, intuitive heart. Apparently she works always for consensus and yet gives firm leadership. What a role model for others. She has won many awards, including ‘Vision for Europe’ in 2006, and the Nehru Award for the year 2009 for international understanding. She is working for greater understanding between the world’s religions, supporting expanding religious classes in German schools, including Islam. In spite of Chinese protests, she met with the Dalai Lama on 25th September 2007—interesting that I should be writing this on the very anniversary of that auspicious meeting.
Let us hold her, the Dalai Lama, the United Nations and all working for peace and reconciliation under the shining ray of the Star today.

Friday, 6 September 2013

'How can a God of love allow such suffering?'

Like many of you I expect, I see the horrific happenings in Syria and the plight of so many refugees, especially over one million children, and I think many people must be asking the question ‘If there really is a God of love, how can he/she allow such suffering?'

I find White Eagle’s teaching profoundly helpful at times like this. I do believe that there are divine laws which encompass all life and that sometimes one of the purposes of so-called evil is to open our hearts in greater compassion. White Eagle is very reassuring for me when he says: ‘God is complete and absolute justice and love. God is not hard; God is more loving, more compassionate, more tender, than any human being alive, and has set in motion a law for the evolution of all.’

The Lord Buddha, too, offers an example in his teaching about suffering and the ‘Bodhisattva of infinite compassion’ Avalakitsvara, is depicted as a being with many arms and in each palm of one hand an all-seeing eye of wisdom and in the other a different object—symbolising the care which exists for all created life to give to each according to their unique need.

At such times people also naturally ask what they can do to help and in the book ‘Healing the World’ White Eagle says: ‘There is great need for your untiring service, and we ask you to give forth to the world from the well of truth that is within you, the spirit of peace and love and brotherhood. A mighty power from the Centre of Light is being concentrated upon world affairs at this time, but also there is the opposite force at work; always there are the two: positive and negative, the constructive and the disintegrating forces, and it is of vital importance that the balance be kept. Don’t think, ‘I am so insignificant, I can do nothing’. You must never fail in your obligation to think positively, to send forth the light of love and goodwill.’ Those of us who have been working for the light for many years will know the power of this radiation and what it can achieve.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Who am I to judge?

I find it very inspiring the way Pope Francis is bringing such fresh inspiration and truly a new way of being in his role as head of the Catholic Church. I have been reading a particularly though provoking article originally published in The New Yorker magazine on July 30, 2013 entitled ‘Who am I to judge? Francis redefines the papacy’.

The journalist wrote: ‘From the beginning he has set a new tone, one of informality, openness, humility, and approachability. He has begun to redefine the papacy...He had done this by consistently avoiding questions of doctrine, speaking largely through gesture and example.

This behavior was exemplified during his remarkable press conference on Monday, on the flight back from his first foreign trip, to Brazil. His words about homosexual priests prompted headlines around the world: “If they accept the Lord and have good will, who am I to judge them?” he said. “They shouldn’t be marginalized… They’re our brothers.”

As many of you know, in his teaching White Eagle has for many years been advocating this new ‘Aquarian’; way of being—a way of brotherly understanding, equality, tolerance and non-judgement. His best known and wildest selling book ‘The Quiet Mind’ has many sayings on this theme.

‘Do not judge what you see on the surface, but develop an inner vision and insight into spiritual cause and effect. Then you will know that you can judge no-one.’

‘We shall do well to remember how much we ourselves need forgiveness, and to learn to forgive freely, judging no-one. Another soul is unknown to us; but it is our duty, our surpassing joy, to search ever for the spark of the divine in all.’

Friday, 12 July 2013

United Nations

We have just witnessed history in the making as sixteen year old Malala Yousafzai addressed the United Nations. When she was in her village in North Pakistan, relatively unknown, one voice, would we have believed that today she could stand in front of the whole world and speak for the rights of women and children everywhere to be educated; to speak for the peace and brotherhood that will enable that education to happen; to speak for tolerance and forgiveness when she has herself been through so much? ‘I am just one voice but together we can change the world’, was part of her message. The overthrowing of fear and prejudice was another. She called upon her sisters everywhere to stand in their own strength and speak out for equality and their human rights. One could almost feel the presence of the Brother/sisterhood in spirit standing with her. The whole of the UN stood for her, but she said it was not her day, but the day of all those who are oppressed. I truly feel she was speaking for the light.

We are not all in the position to speak out physically as Malala did today, but we all have the power of the light within us to bring about changes within ourselves and for our world, through healing, through compassion, through understanding, through forgiveness of which Malala spoke so eloquently, through love.

My cousin Jeremy wrote on Facebook: ‘God bless you Malala, and the tens of thousands of other girls around the world with similar courage. Bless you for your truth to Islam. Bless you for your truth to the human spirit!’

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Channels for the Light

Sometimes, just as you are waking up, you really get the feeling of coming back from a spiritual place. This happened to me the other day in an extraordinary way. I found myself waking up in the middle of sending out the light to all the Muslim countries of the world and areas where Islam is a strong faith—not just the Middle East, but countries in Africa and the Far East as well.
The feeling of divine love was very strong; the light of the Star reaching down to embrace all factions in its power for good. I also felt no judgement, just a sense of bringing all people to an understanding of their oneness in spirit.
Waking up like this confirmed in me how, if our motive is to bring healing, we are being channels for the light at all times waking or sleeping. Some of you may be doing this already, but perhaps before you go to bed at night you might ask to be used to bring light and peace wherever there is need.
I wish you pleasant dreams for yourself and for our world.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

The Biggest Full Moon of the Year

As many will know, the Summer Solstice this year for us here in the Northern hemisphere (and Winter Solstice, of course, for the Southern hemisphere) falls close to the time of the ‘biggest full moon’. This is the full moon of the year when the moon is closest to the earth. For those interested in astrology, it is at 11.32am in 2deg. of Capricorn in opposition to the sun (as with every full moon) in 2deg. of Cancer, sign of the Mother, on Sunday 23rd June.

What is interesting for me is that the sun and moon are in harmonious aspect to the position of the sun in the White Eagle Lodge’s horoscope (2deg. of Pisces). I feel that this indicates a special spiritual opportunity for us—indeed a call—to give back to the earth on this day. (This applies wherever we are in the world.)

It will be a very powerful time spiritually and I am sure that White Eagle is asking his members and friends to take this time as an opportunity for a global link-up between us all, focusing on Earth healing. We feel that to make the attunement on the nearest Sunday to the solstice is the best time, and here at New Lands we shall be holding a Sunday service in the morning and our prayer for sending out the light in this service will be devoted to enfolding all the kingdoms of nature in the healing light of the Christ Star. In the afternoon we will have singing and chanting, culminating in our special ‘Sun-Earth’ ceremony in the cross-within-the-circle in the Temple field (weather permitting). Some of our Regional Star Centres in the UK and some around the world will be holding their own special ceremonies too, so White Eagle’s call is for us all to join together on the inner plane—even if we are physically quite on our own—and be part of this heartfelt giving back to the earth.

I thought you might find inspiring this extract from A Journey Within for Healing the Earth from White Eagle’s book EARTH HEALER :

‘I walk on Mother Earth and by Mother Earth I am supported and nourished. I walk beneath the canopy of the wide sky, which speaks to me also of the invisible worlds of spirit, and of the dignity of life. 

I draw close to the Great Spirit in my heart, to our Father-Mother God. In this presence I remember that deep within my heart is the light of the spiritual Sun, which draws heaven and earth together. The light of the Sun is within all physical form and beyond form.

Through the spiritual Sun in my heart, I offer myself in service to the angels of nature and would work with them to heal the wounds of the earth and restore balance in all her elements.
Through the creative power of the Sun, I picture the perfect form of the six-pointed star, full of light and the power for good.

I am within the Star and I see its light, with the blessing of the angels of nature, bringing healing to all the earth… The light of the Star shines into the soil of the earth and the plants and trees it supports… The light of the Star shines into the atmosphere, the air which all creatures breathe and by which they are protected… I see all the earth irradiated by the light and love of the Star within and around it.’

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Call to Prayer

I have just returned from a few days in Switzerland, staying in the Bernise Oberland areawith Beatrice, our White Eagle leader. We have a truly beautiful White Eagle Centre there—full of light and joy. Something I loved when staying and working there (as I do at our Munich Centre) is the regular chiming of the church clocks. These days perhaps we are not so aware of that in our towns and cities here in the UK. The chimes remind me of the Islamic call to prayer—the evocative chanting of the muezzin which rings out across the streets and countryside in Islamic countries.

During my visit I was talking about White Eagle’s link with the major religions of the world—not just Christianity—and how our 3,6,9,12 call to ‘send out the light of the Star’ is so similar to the Muslims’ daily commitment of prayer at sunrise, mid-day, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening. I really believe White Eagle wants us to pray particularly for greater peace and understanding between different faiths and an end to wars between religious factions. 

I recounted to our Swiss members the vision I had some years ago whilst meditating in the Temple at Luxor in Egypt. It was sunset time and I had just listened to the ‘call to prayer’, when I became aware of Jesus and Mohammed talking together (at the inner level)! They were ‘shaking their heads’ over the fact that their followers were always fighting and they were asking all—at their time of prayer—to work for greater harmony. So as I write this near the time of what White Eagle calls ‘the Christ full moon’ (when the sun is in Gemini) this is my prayer.

White Eagle says: ‘These are the qualities of a great soul: gentleness and tolerance. You all think you know best. You all think the other person is doing the wrong thing. Tolerance, tolerance, dear ones. Live and let live. Let everybody have the freedom they need in order to grow and develop. Your work is to hold in your heart the shining Star, which is all love, and stillness and strength.’  (from White Eagle’s book ‘The Source of all our Strength’)

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Peace No Matter What!

At last it seems that spring has come (here in the UK)! At the outer level nature is busy
with flowers and leaves bursting forth. It always seems to me that at this time of year there is a particular busy-ness in our outer lives too, with lots of stresses and challenges. The full moon when the Sun is in Taurus has just passed by and in White Eagle’s teaching this is traditionally the Wesak Festival linked with the Lord Buddha. White Eagle says: ‘The meditation at this time is of utter stillness and surrender, and of the one-ness of all life.’  Yes, at the inner level, if we can touch it, there is this feeling of great serenity and peace, and yet outwardly so much is happening.  So I think it is a time when we have a particular opportunity to find our own inner strength, our own inner place of peace, no matter what is going on around us. At this time of year I always try to make a particular point of meditating on the still flame, and there is a passage of White Eagle’s teaching that I often think of to help me.  I share it with you here: ‘It is not what is happening around you that is important. It is the way you deal with such happenings. You can get worked up and make yourselves ill, as some of you have done, and may do again; or you can keep very still, and continually seek the place of silence and strength. Having stilled the emotions, the next step is to reach the innermost centre of communion and the intaking of strength. You can then examine your problem and say, “Dear God, I would have the strength to handle this as the Master would handle it”. In the presence of the Master anger and resentment dissolve. You are raised above the pulls and antagonisms of the earthly plane. You are filled with peace, overcome with adoration and love. If you are big and wise enough to do what we say, you will never again be torn by emotion, nor will you be puzzled; because there, within yourself, you will find the still, ever-burning flame, so bright, a flame of the spiritual sun. As you concentrate on that pure, bright, white flame, you will feel the majesty of the sun in yourself: you will know you are master of your body and the conditions of your life. Nothing can touch you. That Presence deep, deep within you is the I AM. “Be still and know that I AM God”.’          (From ‘Heal Thyself’)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Happy sun-filled days at our Americas Temple!

I have just returned from several happy days at our Americas Temple in Montgomery, Texas. This Temple is named ‘The Temple of the Golden Rose’ and it is a truly apt name. Every time I visit, it seems the ‘golden light’ has grown! Again this year I was visiting for our annual Board and Council meetings and our special guest this time was Gay Robinson, Co-leader and Mother of our Australasian Temple. (Last year it was her sister Lyn who joined us.)

This meeting of representatives from three continents and our triangle of three Temples feels very special and our day of meetings was blessed with both heavenly and earthly sunshine. A special joy was the amazing flowering of Bluebonnets and other wild flowers on ‘Temple Hill’ and all around the beautiful labyrinth, ‘masterminded’ in its design and creation by Jane, our Americas Mother. This is indeed a stunning feature of the sacred land here and I was inspired greatly each morning in my meditations. Do visit if you can. I know you will love it and be inspired too. (See our Americas website for details and upcoming retreats

I also hope you will enjoy the photos coming shortly.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Thoughts on the Crisis in Korea

As we pray about the situation in North Korea and hold everyone concerned in the light of the shining Christ Star, my feeling is that it is really important to try and let go thoughts about the rights and wrongs, and remain very still and poised, trying to be as White Eagle says in the Quiet Mind (the chapter is: ’Is a Tower of Strength and Light’):

'Do not despair; do not dwell on the negative side of any situation, for you do no good by this. Always put into operation the forces of construction. Believe that good will come, that the best is coming, and it will...When you are in the shadows, or you feel that the shadows are near, remember to look up, to visualize the blazing Star above you in the spirit spheres, and to feel its strength, its steadiness, its radiance, pouring into your heart. Go forward in confidence and in full consciousness of the light of this Star shining upon you.'

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Wishing you a very happy Easter, and I really hope it will be a time of spiritual renewal and inspiration for you. In the April issue of Stella Polaris I have written about the fact that the Christian festival of Easter was placed at a time of traditional celebration of new life and rebirth. As some of you will know, the date of Easter is always at the full moon when the Sun is in Aries and as this is the first sign of the zodiac, it brings an energy of fiery creativity and new inspiration. I love the idea that this energy is not dependant on seasons, so it applies as much to those living in the Southern Hemisphere as those in the North, where of course in nature there is so much outer manifestation of new life!
I like to make use of the energy of this Easter festival time (and throughout the period when the Sun is in Aries) to set aside time each day to contemplate the golden flame of divine love burning brightly within my own inner ‘temple’.

Although our Spring here in the UK is very late due to all the cold weather, as I’m writing this the sun is shining and New Lands gardens are turning gold with the daffodils coming into bloom—outward symbols of the recreation of life. It reminds me of the following passage from White Eagle:
Within you lies the power to change the very atoms of your body. Healing is the intake into the body of the eternal Sun, the light. If you can call upon this light and breathe it in; if you can live consciously in this light, it will actually control the cells of the physical body. The body is so heavy, material life so strong—but remember the power of God which can recreate the living cells of your body.’

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Thoughts on White Eagle

I am writing this on the train coming back from our Ipswich Lodge for a Retreat Day this Sunday on the theme of White Eagle and His Work of Brotherhood Down the Ages. Our Lodge there, (the heart of what we now call our East Anglia Regional Centre) is one of our oldest established Centres. As I went into their beautiful sanctuary I felt immediately the amazing power of the light, generated by the dedication of all who have served there down the years, but also a touching purity. They really love White Eagle and what his teaching has brought into their lives, and this touched my heart deeply.
We began our day together reflecting on all the qualities everyone felt White Eagle and his philosophy had brought into their lives. We looked at his portrait—his lovely twinkling eyes, and smiling face and shared what we felt. Here is our list which I hope you enjoy contemplating. Maybe you have other qualities to add to it?

Compassion and Understanding
Clarity and purity of language
Naturalness / down to earth
Grace and serenity
Eternal Truth
Far sightedness

Threads of all world religions.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Five Generations Celebrate Mothers Day!

I was so happy to have the opportunity to be together physically on the Isle of Wight with my daughter Sara and granddaughters Daisy (13) and Ellie (10) to celebrate Mothers’ Day (Sunday 10th March in the UK). It was lovely also to have the awareness of my own mother in spirit (Joan Hodgson) joining us as we lunched in one of her favourite cafes and walked a walk she loved. Minesta (Grace Cooke) joined the walk in her body of light too. It was she who had first taken our family to ‘the Island’. So we became FIVE generations celebrating together in the sunshine. For me it was not only a very happy and memorable family day, but another experience of the interpenetration of heaven and earth. Truly, as Minesta so often used to say to me, where there is love, there need be no separation just because the physical body has ‘died’. Life and love are eternal.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Being A Star Pilgrim

Dear Friends,
On Sunday I was at our London Centre. We had an afternoon on the theme of Earth healing, and being a Star Pilgrim. Many of you know how the Star is such a powerful and magical symbol and helps us really focus as a united group to make a real contribution to healing and uplifting our world.
It was many years ago now that we first printed a leaflet entitled There IS Something You Can Do Now—about the power of the Star and encouraging everyone to join in. In preparation for my talk on being a pilgrim of the Star I looked again at the words and loved these: ‘A part of the power of the Star is that through this symbol a connection is made with the great angels of the Christ Star who help the magic happen.’
The great angels of the Christ Star felt particularly radiant to me on Sunday, and at last we were blessed with physical sunshine too! White Eagle also seemed to come into the centre of the group on a ray of heavenly sunshine! His message to us all was, and is, ‘Never doubt the power of God to work through you’, and that every one of us can make a powerful contribution to heal and uplift our planet and work ever more closely with the great angels.
I think that a wonderful thing about working with the Star is that we can do it anywhere at any time, it doesn’t matter where we live or whether we are confined by physical circumstances. We can all be Star pilgrims and make an inner journey to spread the light of the Star to every troubled country and heart.
With my love and encouragement,

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Miracle of Peace

Dear Friends,
I am sitting in a Little Temple for World Peace in Sri Lanka, writing this to you.  Tomorrow I fly home to England.
It is afternoon and the sun, on its downward path towards sunset, is shining on the white foam of the waves as they break on the shore. A soft warm breeze blows through the palm trees which surround the Temple. Tropical birds call to one another. A gloriously coloured kingfisher comes by briefly, as though to say ‘hello’. The Temple is beautiful with its freshly painted eight white pillars and yellow Star on the floor and roof. In February 2006 when the Temple was dedicated, civil war was still tearing this country apart. Now, thankfully, peace is restored and four religions live happily side by side. The Star has helped the miracle of peace unfold in many hearts. I am so thankful.This is a place where for me heaven and earth are one. It is easy to feel inspiration here; closeness of loved ones; God in the beauty of the nature all around. Maybe you would like to come in thought to this pure white shrine of peace by the tropical sea and join me in prayer here! Even though I leave Sri Lanka physically now, in my body of light I am so often in this little white temple by the sea!
With my love,

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

'Nothing happens out of order, or by chance.'

‘Nothing happens out of order or by chance, and the great law brings those very conditions in your life which you need for growth. So accept with love all that happens. Look for the lesson that has to be learnt from the experience. Look up to God daily, hourly, and be filled with the divine light and love. It pours like a golden ray into the heart and head centre, cleansing, healing, uplifting, steadying, giving you control.’

Last week, as many of you know, there was a tragic happening. In early morning fog a helicopter crashed into a crane on a building site in central London. I happened to be watching Breakfast News just after the accident occurred. It particularly caught my attention because it was adjacent to the large office block where my son, Michael, works (for a big UK Charity, Macmillan Cancer Care). As the story unfolded, and it became clear that the helicopter went down into the street nearby, obviously I was especially concerned for him and his colleagues. It was a relief when he texted me that he and they were safe, but in those moments of waiting for his reply, I was supported by my great faith in the ‘power of the Star’ and absolute belief that ‘nothing happens by chance’. A little later in the day the crane driver, Vicky Biagoni, who would normally have been in the crane at that time, was interviewed. Extraordinarily, his alarm clock had not gone off that morning, so he overslept and was late to work!
I am sure many of us have escaped ‘near misses’ in our lives—ourselves or loved ones, or people we know. We also often hear stories of freak accidents which cause death or change the course of people’s lives. Maybe fear, of one sort or another, is an ongoing challenge for most of us, but a wonderful thing about White Eagle’s teaching is that it offers us absolute security in God’s care, and the knowledge that nothing really happens by chance.
Another of my favourite sayings is: ‘He who knows not of God’s love fears for his life, but not a son/daughter of light.’ So it made me even more determined to live life, as White Eagle advises, in the consciousness of the light and love of God enfolding and protecting us, and with confidence, not fear, no matter what conditions or events I find myself facing. With White Eagle’s help we know we can ‘look up to God daily, hourly, and be filled with the divine light and love’.
My love and prayers are also with the families of those who passed and I know that our faith in God's care and that life is eternal will mean that we are better channels for that Light to reach and help them at this difficult time.

With my love,