Thursday, 7 November 2013

Ghana - A Country Rich In Gold

The national flag of Ghana is brightly coloured—green, yellow and red. 

As many of you know, I have just spent two weeks in this beautiful country and I have been thinking how appropriate the vibration of these colours is for the soil of this land. The green brings the energy of its verdant natural landscape, abundant with flowers, trees and fruits. The red reflects the colour of the actual soil. As I walked on this red earth it was not difficult for me to feel the underlying strength of Africa, the Earth Devas and the embrace of Earth Mother.

Walking on the earth reinforced my belief that there truly is a strong spiritual light burning brightly is the heart of this great continent of Africa and that it manifests strongly in Ghana. This country was called the Gold Coast in days gone by before its independence. During my visit I was walking in an area of the country where gold has recently been discovered. There has indeed been a gold rush. Many have been tempted by the thought of getting rich quickly, but as the saying goes ‘all that glitters is not gold’ and some are disappointed and learning valuable spiritual lessons. Actually, I feel that at its spiritual heart there is a great store of inner gold in Ghana, so it does not surprise me that the third colour of its flag is the bright golden yellow (which is also the colour of spiritual wisdom). I believe Ghana has a golden opportunity to be one of the leaders of a new era in Africa of stable just leadership and true brotherhood. It is sad to note that many African countries have drifted into partial or full anarchy during the last 20 years. This emphasises the urgency of building the light to restore the continent to order and dispel the fear of so many. Ghana is indeed playing its part in this. After its troubled and corrupt early history, it now has more enlightened leadership—by chance I saw part of a TV programme in which the President was offering his new code of ethics (i.e. no more bribes). Maybe this is another example of the leader working under the Star of the new age of awakening brotherhood. (I have previously written of others.) Indeed, I believe the Star is working in many places in Africa. I have just heard that the M23 rebels have ceased their fighting and this will have a stabilising effect on Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo, bringing peace and normality for all the people living in this extensive area.

Our new Star Centre—our White Eagle Star Centre for West Africa—(opened and dedicated during my recent visit) in Ghana will boost the Star light in this ‘Country of Gold’. The light shines through the hearts and lives of so many. The natural character of these lovely people is indeed pure gold—warmth of heart, friendliness, a strong sense of community and daily practice of Jesus’ commandment to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’. So ‘may the golden light of the Star shine brightly in the heart of Ghana and its people all and throughout Africa’.

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