Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Compassion and Understanding

When I look at the news and see the devastation and human suffering in the Philippines, White Eagle’s teaching enables me to find a way of helping through working with the Star. 
It also helps me to look for the spiritual purpose of such an event, so that I can hold on to hope and not sink into emotions which would not help the radiating of the Light. 
Listening to the news of planes arriving from a multitude of countries bringing aid, I was struck by the possibility that again one of those spiritual reasons might be to bring the whole world together as one—helping us further in our understanding that we are one world, not many individual countries, and that what affects one part of that world affects all. 
And what moved me the most was that this message comes not through preaching, but through the sacrifice of so many souls to stimulate the compassion of others. One of the planes mentioned was from Spain, for example, and when you consider how relatively poor that country is at the moment, it fills one’s heart with awareness of the greatness of humanity—the ability of us all to rise in times of suffering and say: ‘Here am I Lord, use me.’ This is what we do, of course, when we think of the Star shining over the Philippines, which I’m sure you are all doing at the moment, bringing the aid of the angels and the Christ light to help those on earth. 
And of those who have been flung out of life White Eagle says: ‘Souls who are cast violently into the beyond…are instantly and tenderly taken care of…hardly have they realised it before someone is there to help them…You would be surprised if you could see the extent of the organisation…according to the needs of the particular soul, so the helper is chosen, someone who can most easily or readily communicate with the soul in need…the world of spirit is very normal, and has all things which the lower etheric of the soul just detached from the physical will want. You naturally think of heaven as being a most beautiful place, which indeed it is. Remember at the same time that a comforting meal might seem heavenly to some soul which has just been released from physical conditions.’

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