Friday, 20 December 2013

Following the Star

I have been working with the symbol of a shining six-pointed Star for nearly fifty years now. Year by year I have found great personal help from it and help in focusing my thoughts and prayers and healing meditations. Obviously, it feels a particularly significant symbol at this season of the year. The traditional Christmas story tells of the Wise Men following a Star to find the birthplace of Jesus, the Christ child. Each aspect of the Christmas story is symbolic (as White Eagle explains in his teachings) and we could interpret the ‘Wise Men’ as pilgrims on their spiritual journey, seeking their goal of heavenly wisdom and illumination. The Star guides them on their way, as it guides us all if we open our hearts and lift up our eyes to heavenly things.

In Healing the World White Eagle says: ‘We in the world of spirit could weld you closer together! We would unite you heart to heart, so that you work as a great Star of light. When you visualise the Star and send it forth, you are sending out pure light into the world. You are truly healing the world. Nothing but good is accomplished by your linking with the Star). Train yourself to concentrate upon that symbol of the Christ-life, the shining six-pointed Star, for it will guide you, unfailingly, to the place of perfect healing.’… and in the book Festivals & Celebrations he says in ‘A Meditation for Christmas’: ‘In the silence…with the Star shining from above, and the angel choirs singing their song of love, peace and goodwill, the Child in everyone stirs.’

And so, my personal wish to you this Christmas time is that the thought and image of a shining Star of great light and love will help lead you to your own inner ‘stable’ (or temple) where you will re-experience the magic of the Christ birth and receive a blessing of renewed faith, love, reassurance and peace of heart.



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