Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Channels for the Light

Sometimes, just as you are waking up, you really get the feeling of coming back from a spiritual place. This happened to me the other day in an extraordinary way. I found myself waking up in the middle of sending out the light to all the Muslim countries of the world and areas where Islam is a strong faith—not just the Middle East, but countries in Africa and the Far East as well.
The feeling of divine love was very strong; the light of the Star reaching down to embrace all factions in its power for good. I also felt no judgement, just a sense of bringing all people to an understanding of their oneness in spirit.
Waking up like this confirmed in me how, if our motive is to bring healing, we are being channels for the light at all times waking or sleeping. Some of you may be doing this already, but perhaps before you go to bed at night you might ask to be used to bring light and peace wherever there is need.
I wish you pleasant dreams for yourself and for our world.

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