Sometimes I am given a copy of our UK magazine Hello, and in
this week`s issue, there are delightful pictures of little Prince Louis (the
youngest child of William and Kate) celebrating his second birthday.
His hands are covered with many colours of paint as he
created rainbow pictures, joining thousands of children all over the country
who are using their creativity to express their support for the NHS and our
wonderful health workers and volunteers. The magazine is running a competition
for the childrens` paintings which involves making a donation to the NHS
Charities Together Covid-19 appeal. Just one example of the way in which so
many people are coming together in all sorts of ways in this time of need.
A rainbow is such a great symbol to have been chosen to
express people`s thankfulness for what is being done, and hope for the future. I have always felt that just seeing a rainbow in the sky,
maybe shining through heavy rain clouds, brings an uplift to anxious thoughts.
Now - if you able able to go outside - you may well see rainbows everywhere.
Rainbows in house and shop windows, on poster boards and even rainbow flags. I
have found this so uplifting that I have started to meditate each morning on
rainbows! There are seven beautiful colours of the spectrum fillled with God`s
light, each one shining with its own special healing gift, and I am taking one
colour, one gift, each day, and concentrating on that in my prayers:
Red: For courage to KOKO.
Orange: For energy - for all our NHS workers, volunteers,
scientists - all who are doing essential jobs to keep things going.
Yellow: Bright sunshine to help everyone keep as happy as
possible no matter what.
Green: for the natural world and animal kingdom - praying their greater well-being will continue even when the lockdown eases.
Green: for the natural world and animal kingdom - praying their greater well-being will continue even when the lockdown eases.
Blue: For peace of heart and mind.
Indigo: For greater understanding in every heart of God`s
wisdom and love working through this challenging time.
Violet: Transformation - a new way of being gradual
unfolding as the Aquarian age energy manifests more and more strongly.
And as White Eagle reminds us in HEALING THE WORLD: `Your
task is to be a lightbearer!`
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