Tuesday, 10 March 2020

The Protective Power of Positive Thought

There are many issues in the world today which are troubling people. The current outbreak of the Corona virus is one example.

Worldwide and instant communication is a great blessing in some ways, and has certainly changed our lives from even a few decades ago. It has brought greater understanding and openness between cultures all around the globe. However, the downside of being told in detail what is going on everywhere is that it can definitely increase the  amount of negative thought and fear around the subject being reported.

Even before the outbreak of this particular virus, I was very aware of the added importance of visualising the world bathed in silver light, seeing this light radiating from the Star, filled with the Wisdom Ray from the Angels of Mercury. Mercury (with Jupiter)  helps uplift the consciousness of people to the light and a deeper understanding of God`s great Wisdom (even if this is an unconscious happening). If we can work consciously with this silver ray, breathing in the Wisdom of God, and breathing out any negative thought as soon as it arises, it is the most powerful protection we could need! We all know how powerful thought is, and when it is aligned with the `silver ray` and a steady faith in God`s wisdom, and the opportunity every seeming trouble brings, we can be like shining knights spreading light and hope wherever we go!

As White Eagle says in The Quiet Mind: 'Never fear for your journey ahead, for as God has watched over you all your life and, in spite of your fears, has brought you through all the trials and sorrows of your life, so He will take you throught the darkest vale, into the light.'

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