Thursday, 17 April 2014

My Springtime Visit to Texas

Our Americas’ Temple is set in a large area of very beautiful green and sacred land.  (This part of Texas is not as one might imagine. Before my first visit, years ago now, I thought it would be like the desert of cowboy movies!). I have just returned from a week’s visit for meetings with our key workers there. Springtime had come early (ahead of England) and the fresh green leaves and abundant wild flowers thrilled my heart. When not in meetings I enjoyed walking among the flowers and listening to the glorious bird song; watching the fleet-footed deer, and walking the labyrinth spiral on ‘Temple Hill’. It is here that the sunrise ceremony is held every Easter Sunday morning. Participants gather before the dawn to pray and meditate and welcome the resurrection with a fire lit at the central point of the labyrinth.  Later there is a delicious shared Easter brunch prepared by David our super chef.  Sadly I can only join the gathering in my ‘body of light’. On this beautiful land it is not difficult to feel the presence of angels and companionship of friends and family now freed from physical bodies. During my visit I was much aware of brothers who have helped establish White Eagle’s work in the Americas, continuing their work now at the inner level.

As we approach the Easter festival and here in the Northern hemisphere see the land blossoming with new life, the feeling of resurrection is very real to me. The seeming death of wintertime is clearly giving way to re-birth. In his book of Festivals and Celebrations White Eagle reminds us: ‘In the past, ceremonies were held at this time of the year, when the sun was returning with its warmth and life-force to bring forth from the earth itself the manifestation of God’s life and beauty. We would raise your consciousness beyond the darkness of the earth life, and bring you a vision of the company of radiant spirits and angels who draw near to your earth at this time in obedience to the law, to the will of our Father-Mother God. They come amongst you with rejoicing, trying to infuse into your being the joy of the sunlight, the joy of the Christ life. They try to awaken in your soul and higher consciousness supreme confidence in God’s love and wisdom. You may, if you will, receive the baptism of this Sun spirit, even as the brethren of the ancient wisdom have always received it.’

I invite you now to come in thought, in your ‘body of light’ and walk inwardly on the sacred land of our Americas’ Center, breathing in the new life of spring there to help you feel a joy-filled Easter resurrection in your heart and life.

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