Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Messages from Heaven

When things are difficult in our personal lives, and there seem so many world problems, I think many long for a message from Heaven....and preferably a message of reassurance and hope for better things to come.

A friend commented to me the other day, 'There are so many things on the internet, so much channeling of messages, why not more 'messages from our White Eagle'. 

Yes, we are very aware that we need to make more use of modern day media possibilities and we are working on this and will be launching our new website soon, and using U tube more. However there is an important point I want to share about messages from heaven.

A very important aspect of White Eagle's work is to encourage us all to look within for guidance, answers to our questions, and 'messages'. This is the Aquarian way! In the Piscean age priests and authority figures told people what they had to do, often with a lot of spiritual blackmail and guilt thrown in. Now we are being set free from all that, to look into our hearts, and follow our own path and the truth we find through the light of God shining in our own hearts.

The challenge of this of course is:

Having to do it for ourselves!

Making the time to go into our quiet inner sanctuary

The 'have I got it right?' thought

Feeling nothing at all!

Hopefully these suggestions may help.....

I have found if no clarity, no clear inner guidance comes immediately, just leave it for a while and inwardly lay it on your altar.

Sometimes I actually write out my question and place it physically on my little sanctuary table. 

Another thing I do is ask for a sign, if you like, a confirmation of what I think is the message. This frequently does come, but often in an unexpected way! We are probably all familiar with the joy of finding a white feather in an unexpected place, or the sudden appearance of a bird singing a joyful song, and then just knowing...Yes...this is the sign from heaven!

Just as I finished writing this, I said to White Eagle, 'Now I need a few words from you to add!' And I turned over my copy of the latest Stella Polaris...there was his message for us all, on the back cover:

'All that is lovely and pure and true will come through from your higher self, and that is the level on which your spiritual teacher works.'

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