In this quotation from WHITE EAGLE ON THE GREAT SPIRIT - a really beautiful book by Grace Cooke, which was formerly entitled SUNMEN OF THE AMERICAS - White Eagle is not talking about the creation of a building, but about our own bodies!
I helped Grace Cooke (my grandmother) in the compilation of this book which contains much of White Eagle`s teaching about the American Indian peoples. After watching on television a programme about our best Olympic achievements (at this time when the Olympic games would have taken place), I looked up the chapter `A Healthy Way of Life`, as I remembered her quotation about Pheidipides, the first Olympic runner of ancient Greece who completed the hundred and forty miles between Athens and Sparta in thirty six hours. She also quoted the story of a young American Indian runner who completed a hundred and twenty five miles in twenty five hours, and said this was not an unsual feat as the young were taught that `the body is the sacred temple of the spirit so they did their best to retain it in the peak condition of youth.` She went on to answer the question about whether the Indians in those days actually had a different type of body. She didn`t think so, but said, `White Eagle tells us that the Indian`s pure way of life enabled him to become not only physically, but also emotionally and nervously much tougher than we are today.`
Recently there has been much publicity about the advertising of junk food and obesity, especially in children. During, and since, lockdown we are all being encouraged more than ever before to choose as healthy a diet as we can and take regular exercise. This may not be very easy if we are housebound or have physical difficulties in moving around. If this is a problem for you, take comfort in the knowledge of the power of the light to cleanse and re-vivify not only the physical body, but the mental, emotional and nervous systems too! White Eagle encourages us all to do the best we can to eat healthily and wisely, take what exercise we can, but most of all, to consciously breathe in the magical healing light of the Star. I visualise it circulating to every cell of my body through the blood stream. But I believe that just as important as this is to give love to the temple of our bodies, and especially those parts that may be showing signs of age, and sagging a little! If love is radiating throughout our physical temple, it will be shining in its own unique way, and touch and uplift the hearts of all around us!