Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The Winds of Change

A favourite present I received at the beginning of this year is a little 'chest of treasures'! What are these treasures, you may wonder? They are sayings entitled 'Wisdom of the East' - one for every day of the year.
Along with my White Eagle sayings for the week, which always inspire me for the days ahead, I now look forward every morning to opening my 'treasure chest' and finding a wise saying from an Eastern philosopher, all so closely aligned to White Eagle`s teaching, for he brings us the wisdom of both East and West, and has had incarnations in many different cultures. 
The saying which particiularly inspired me at the beginning of April is this Chinese proverb: 'When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.'
I love this image of windmills and the vision it brings of embracing change and using it for good. Thinking about this, I turned to the lovely book of White Eagle`s teaching, Earth Healer, with its glorious photographs, which bring inspiration themselves. On page71, White Eagle says, 'Now there is a particularly powerful wind sweeping over the globe. It is as though a beautiful fresh wind is blowing through the earth, and it is the work of all to think goodness, and to trust God and God`s laws - which are just, perfect and true. Be at peace, but do your best by thinking constructively, and remember always that most valuable lessons are beeing learned.'
So let's build windmills together, not walls!

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