Thursday, 25 April 2019

The Triumph of Love

I hope that you had a glorious Easter full of sunshine outwardly and of inner happiness.

Last year I was in the beautiful country of Guatemala at Easter time. I had the joy of witnessing a glorious Easter procession through the little narrow cobbled streets of the town where I was staying. Although the main focus of the procession was the carrying of a large statue of Jesus on the cross and another tableaux of Mary weeping, actually the mood of the whole occasion was one of joyous celebration! `Santa Semana` - Holy Week - is one of the most important festivals of the year in most Spanish speaking Catholic countries, and everyone is in party mood. 

Our Easter time in the UK has become a little like that too - no processions through the streets, but holidaying families and children enjoying all the fun of Easter egg hunts and chocolate treats. Has everyone forgotten the spiritual meaning of Easter time, one may wonder? Well, yes, for many I believe that is so outwardly, but what really matters, I think, is the way it has now become a festival of joy, not sorrow. Families come together for happy times, and the giving of Easter eggs has become a way of showing love not only for the younger members of our family, but also older ones too! 
This links in with some inspiring words of White Eagle`s which are printed in this month`s issue of our magazine, Stella Polaris. White Eagle reminds us: `Easter is not just about triumph of life over death, but more about the triumph of spirit over matter; of spiritual principles over earthly ones. The Easter story is about the triumph of love...Jesus demonstrated the triumph of humility over arrogance, of love over fear and hatred;  of acceptance over resistance; of surrender to God`s will rather than insistence of his own; of forgiveness over resentment.`

In a magical and subtle way, I think these transformational qualities can shine through the present day material trappings of Easter and bring `resurrection`, new life, new ways of looking at things to many minds and hearts.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The Winds of Change

A favourite present I received at the beginning of this year is a little 'chest of treasures'! What are these treasures, you may wonder? They are sayings entitled 'Wisdom of the East' - one for every day of the year.
Along with my White Eagle sayings for the week, which always inspire me for the days ahead, I now look forward every morning to opening my 'treasure chest' and finding a wise saying from an Eastern philosopher, all so closely aligned to White Eagle`s teaching, for he brings us the wisdom of both East and West, and has had incarnations in many different cultures. 
The saying which particiularly inspired me at the beginning of April is this Chinese proverb: 'When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.'
I love this image of windmills and the vision it brings of embracing change and using it for good. Thinking about this, I turned to the lovely book of White Eagle`s teaching, Earth Healer, with its glorious photographs, which bring inspiration themselves. On page71, White Eagle says, 'Now there is a particularly powerful wind sweeping over the globe. It is as though a beautiful fresh wind is blowing through the earth, and it is the work of all to think goodness, and to trust God and God`s laws - which are just, perfect and true. Be at peace, but do your best by thinking constructively, and remember always that most valuable lessons are beeing learned.'
So let's build windmills together, not walls!