Monday, 21 January 2019

The Power of Positive Star Thought

I am writing this just after our New Year service in the New Lands' temple, during which our main focus was a time of attunement with many followers of the White Eagle teaching around the world to pray for peace and relief of all the suffering caused by war, and for the people of Yemen in particular. 

When many people align their positive thought and good will, especially linking with the truly magical power of the Star, I believe there is no limit to what can be achieved. As Mary Poppins says (in the wonderful new film, Mary Poppins Returns), `Everything is possible!`

The White Eagle teaching constantly reaffirms the power of positive thought and I talked about this after the service when we considered New Year resolutions. `Live creating beauty in your mind` says White Eagle. `That which you think today, you will yourself become tomorrow. The power of thought is the creative power of all life. As you think, so you become, and so you create the conditions which surround you. Learn to use your good thought. If you would have a better world, create it for yourselves now at this very instant in your mind.`

I have grown up with the thought `The Star is a creator of miracles` and I have seen many examples in my own life and in the White Eagle Lodge. The building of the temple at New Lands was itself a miracle - an example of many people working together with a shared vision. I know there will be many more miracles in the years ahead, and our new temple for the new age of the brotherhood of all life will be one of them!

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