Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Many Facets of Love

Do take the opportunity if it comes, to see the new sequel to the hugely popular film Mama Mia. I had heard mixed reports about it, but I found it very moving. It may stir the emotions of those watching it, but it is very positive. Sometimes we need opportunities for buried emotions to be released in harmless ways, to allow new acceptance, contentment and happiness to flow in and fill our lives.

I was truly surprised at the way in this one film (which hopefully will be viewed by millions) so many areas of human experience and different aspects of loving are highlighted in non judging and positive ways. Even love and care for animals - in this case a beautiful horse. As well as the thread of sadness which runs through the film, there is also a celebration of joy and fun, and a feeling of moving forward and embracing new life. And, what moved me most at the climax of the film, there was a clear affirmation of love continuing beyond the death of the physical body, and the ability which can come to us all of realising the continuing presence of loved ones.

I hope that many people will be encouraged in their own faith by watching this film - an example I believe of the positive way in which our Star prayers are indeed affecting the media and those in positions to influence the thoughts of others.

White Eagle reminds us in his Little Book of Comfort for the Bereaved: `Love disperses all mists....when there is love in the heart it shines through and disperses the the mist and he/she sees      loved ones...it is not a question of human kind being `here` and the spirit `over there` with a closed door in between the two. Understanding reveals that life is universal, that the life of the spirit is identical with life on earth.`

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