Monday, 7 May 2018

'Allah Loves Infinite Variety'

This memorable saying comes from the Kevin Costner film of many years ago, ‘Robin Hood Prince of Thieves’. I was very struck with it at the time (more forward thinking thirty or so years ago than it would seem now)!

Our May Day weekend here in UK has been blessed with glorious sunshine which has brought
happiness to many hearts. On Sunday I had the joyous opportunity to visit our beautiful Kew Gardens. The `greatest glasshouse in the world` - as the Temperate House has been described - had just been re-opened. Originally opened to the public in1863, it had been closed for the restoration, which has now transformed the old building, but retained all the beauty and grandeur of its original form. It contains one thousand five hundred plant species from all the temperate regions of the world. Many of these plants are currently rare and threatened in the wild, with some on the brink of extinction.

 As I wandered around, marvelling at the care, long term vision, and expertise of all those involved in the work at Kew, I remembered that phrase from the film, and marvelled at the infinite variety of God`s creation of the plant kingdom. 

Outside in the warm sunshine, the amazing variety of trees, many now resplendent in their Spring colours and blossom, originating from all over the world, filled me with wonder and thankfulness. The Victorian explorers of those days brought back with them priceless gifts for generations to come - worth more than gold and jewels!

Then, as I watched the many visitors to the gardens on this sun filled day, I contemplated `the infinite variety` of the human species, each person unique: different dress, different expression, body language, feelings, qualities and opportunities - but one wonderful human family - all created by our amazingly loving, infinitely wise and far seeing Father Mother God.

So much to be thankful for.

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