Saturday, 6 January 2018

Hold to your Dreams

I think we probably all hope that a new year will bring good things into our lives, and feel hopeful, perhaps, that the new energy will somehow change things for the better. It is the traditional time for making our New Year resolutions and, maybe a new start or new endeavour in difficult ongoing situations. However, here in the Northern Hemisphere, the long dark nights, and cold, wet weather can dampen the most optimistic of us all!

I am fortunate because my natural tendency is to always look on the bright side, but even for someone who has been called (by those close to me!) `relentlessly optimistic` it can be difficult at this time of year to feel the spiritual sun shining through the dark clouds and the `down energy` which often persists in the media.

Contemplating ways to encourage my optimism and feel the light shining from behind the clouds on a particularly gloomy January morning, I found myself taking out White Eagle`s book `The Lightbringer` from my bookshelf, and it opened itself at page 64, at the passage entitled `Hold to Your Dreams`!

White Eagle tells us: 

`Many grumblers think that the golden age is just a dream. Dreams - as we in spirit very well know, so we can speak from experience - actually create external conditions. "Where there is no vision the people perish". So hold to your dreams and keep on keeping on. You will always be hearing from us "keep on keeping on". So many cannot do this. They go to sleep by the wayside. They get discouraged. They turn back. But the soul who perseveres and keeps on keeping on reaches the goal of spiritual liberation.`

I hope these words will inspire you, on dark days, when it feels tempting to sink down into pessimism, or give up on your new intentions. White Eagle reminds us that the light IS shining, (even if seemingly obscured by many clouds), and it truly can change anything......if it is God`s Will and in God`s good time.

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