Wednesday, 16 November 2016

'We see a glorious future for humankind'

Many people may be feeling particularly troubled about world affairs at this present time. I have turned to Seeking Serenity a very inspiring book of the White Eagle teaching. It really seems to me to ‘touch the spot’ at this present moment. As always, the teaching is so positive and reassuring, reminding us to let go all fear and trust in God’s perfect plan.
’Many are distressed about conditions on the earth plane; many are overwhelmed with fear, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. But we would tell you that we are happy about the evolution of man on earth. As we look upon the earthly conditions and all the complexities we see a most wonderful development in man and in man’s life on the earth plane. You become disappointed by the disputes and misunderstandings between people and the conflict between the races; but we see, beyond your mortal vision, a wonderful growth going on. We see rays of love being projected from the White Brotherhood and illumined souls in the heavenly spheres to the earth. You talk about love on your earth, but you have little understanding of the power and beauty of love as it is known on the higher planes.’
Truly it is so important is for us all—all light workers—to keep positive in our thoughts, not allowing ourselves to be disturbed by media stories or outer happenings. Whenever anything in world affairs troubles you, just think of the Star shining on the world, and know that God has a perfect plan and out of seeming chaos, good is coming.
’We can see a glorious future for humankind when the injustices have been righted and man has learnt the way of wisdom. We see the natural and beautiful coming together of all nations united in one vast brotherhood; a time coming when man will understand his responsibility towards all the kingdoms of life. Be assured also that in world affairs right will conquer, and justice will balance apparent wrongs. There will come an expansion of consciousness and man will look up beyond the astral planes to that celestial world where Christ and His angels and all the shining company of heaven dwell.’

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