I can remember many years ago my grandmother, Grace Cooke, talking about White Eagle’s ‘white carpet of peace spreading all over the world’. We can read in her book MEMORIES OF REINCARNATION about White Eagle’s work when he was the Chief White Eagle, bringing peace to the warring nations of the Iroquois tribes—just one example of many lives of working for peace.
On Sunday 18th September we held our Peace Day in the Temple here at New Lands. This has become an annual event linking with the United Nations Day of Peace, and White Eagle groups all around the world joining in with their own local gatherings.
This year our focus for our prayers for peace was the war in Syria and the huge refugee crisis. I spoke about the Star symbolising both outer action and the inner action of prayer, and I read a few words from Amnesty International’s latest magazine about ‘Refugees—world on the move’, and the sad statistics that the richest countries of the world are helping the least. ‘The hardest thing about being a refugee is being made to feel unwanted’, was quoted. I then went on to speak about the magical power of the Star to open hearts and minds. For some, the best way to help will be by prayer, but for others there is the possibility for outer action too. But in both cases, we need to be careful not to try to impose our will on any situation about how we think things should turn out. My suggestion is to mentally bring all the suffering into the aura of Jesus, the Great Healer, who shines so brightly with the Christ healing light of the Star.
At the end of our meditation in the heavenly Healing Temple, where Jesus had been powerfully with us, I read these comforting words of White Eagle’s from his beautiful book SEEKING SERENITY: ‘We would help you to rise above the problems of the earth plane into the light of the Sun, to be at peace within. As this purifying light and power flows into your heart you will be able to see with clearer vision the outworking of a plan that is so wise and so good, for all humanity: something not easy to see with the little mind of everyday life. But as you open your hearts to receive this blessing from the heart of the Sun it will help you to see good, to see the outworking of a beautiful plan, in spite of the difficulties which are so apparent at the Earthly level.’
We ended our Day of Peace with a walk around our cross-within-the-circle, symbolic of our prayers embracing our whole planet and every nation joining together, heart to heart, to help one another.
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