Monday, 27 April 2015

Earthquake in Nepal

 Nepal is a country which is very close to my heart. I have been fortunate to make a number of visits there to trek in the beautiful mountains and also on my way to Tibet in 2003. More recently, just last August, I had
the great joy of being welcomed back to Kathmandu by Krishna (our White Eagle leader there) and all our dear White Eagle family in Kathmandu.

I am sure we were all deeply shocked to hear the news on Saturday of the earthquake that has affected Kathmandu so badly. We have just heard that Krishna and his family are safe but many of the buildings are destroyed. When these happenings occur White Eagle always advises us to keep positive in our thoughts. This is very important, not to allow ourselves to be pulled down into negative thought, but immediately hold the whole situation in the light of the Star, trusting in God’s beautiful plan and care for every one of the family of human souls.

I am always comforted by the thought that there is something we can do, no matter what the seeming tragedy. So please join with me today in holding all in Nepal and the surrounding areas in the heart of the Star—everyone who has been affected by the earthquake and is now fearful for the future and what it might bring—and all those who are working to bring relief.
 ‘When you look on human suffering, whilst you give sympathy, kindness and understanding, do not be dragged down by it. Do not allow your emotions to sweep you along like a piece of straw on the winds. Be still and look into the heart of the blazing Star. From the centre of this Star, the light and the strength of God your heavenly Father flow into your heart and your whole being… Have no fear; place your whole confidence in God, your Father-Mother.’  (from The Still Voice)

1 comment:

  1. So true and beautifully written Jenny. It is times like these that we are called to perform our work with clear vision and pure clarity of the light and love of the Star. Knowing with un-wavered thought that as we focus on the Christ Star the Brethren behind our work, are doing creating harmony out of chaos. <3
