Wishing you a very happy Easter, and I really hope it will be a time of spiritual renewal and inspiration for you. In the April issue of Stella Polaris I have written about the fact that the Christian festival of Easter was placed at a time of traditional celebration of new life and rebirth. As some of you will know, the date of Easter is always at the full moon when the Sun is in Aries and as this is the first sign of the zodiac, it brings an energy of fiery creativity and new inspiration. I love the idea that this energy is not dependant on seasons, so it applies as much to those living in the Southern Hemisphere as those in the North, where of course in nature there is so much outer manifestation of new life!
I like to make use of the energy of this Easter festival time (and throughout the period when the Sun is in Aries) to set aside time each day to contemplate the golden flame of divine love burning brightly within my own inner ‘temple’.
Although our Spring here in the UK is very late due to all the cold weather, as I’m writing this the sun is shining and New Lands gardens are turning gold with the daffodils coming into bloom—outward symbols of the recreation of life. It reminds me of the following passage from White Eagle:
‘Within you lies the power to change the very atoms of your body. Healing is the intake into the body of the eternal Sun, the light. If you can call upon this light and breathe it in; if you can live consciously in this light, it will actually control the cells of the physical body. The body is so heavy, material life so strong—but remember the power of God which can recreate the living cells of your body.’