Saturday, 30 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Wishing you a very happy Easter, and I really hope it will be a time of spiritual renewal and inspiration for you. In the April issue of Stella Polaris I have written about the fact that the Christian festival of Easter was placed at a time of traditional celebration of new life and rebirth. As some of you will know, the date of Easter is always at the full moon when the Sun is in Aries and as this is the first sign of the zodiac, it brings an energy of fiery creativity and new inspiration. I love the idea that this energy is not dependant on seasons, so it applies as much to those living in the Southern Hemisphere as those in the North, where of course in nature there is so much outer manifestation of new life!
I like to make use of the energy of this Easter festival time (and throughout the period when the Sun is in Aries) to set aside time each day to contemplate the golden flame of divine love burning brightly within my own inner ‘temple’.

Although our Spring here in the UK is very late due to all the cold weather, as I’m writing this the sun is shining and New Lands gardens are turning gold with the daffodils coming into bloom—outward symbols of the recreation of life. It reminds me of the following passage from White Eagle:
Within you lies the power to change the very atoms of your body. Healing is the intake into the body of the eternal Sun, the light. If you can call upon this light and breathe it in; if you can live consciously in this light, it will actually control the cells of the physical body. The body is so heavy, material life so strong—but remember the power of God which can recreate the living cells of your body.’

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Thoughts on White Eagle

I am writing this on the train coming back from our Ipswich Lodge for a Retreat Day this Sunday on the theme of White Eagle and His Work of Brotherhood Down the Ages. Our Lodge there, (the heart of what we now call our East Anglia Regional Centre) is one of our oldest established Centres. As I went into their beautiful sanctuary I felt immediately the amazing power of the light, generated by the dedication of all who have served there down the years, but also a touching purity. They really love White Eagle and what his teaching has brought into their lives, and this touched my heart deeply.
We began our day together reflecting on all the qualities everyone felt White Eagle and his philosophy had brought into their lives. We looked at his portrait—his lovely twinkling eyes, and smiling face and shared what we felt. Here is our list which I hope you enjoy contemplating. Maybe you have other qualities to add to it?

Compassion and Understanding
Clarity and purity of language
Naturalness / down to earth
Grace and serenity
Eternal Truth
Far sightedness

Threads of all world religions.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Five Generations Celebrate Mothers Day!

I was so happy to have the opportunity to be together physically on the Isle of Wight with my daughter Sara and granddaughters Daisy (13) and Ellie (10) to celebrate Mothers’ Day (Sunday 10th March in the UK). It was lovely also to have the awareness of my own mother in spirit (Joan Hodgson) joining us as we lunched in one of her favourite cafes and walked a walk she loved. Minesta (Grace Cooke) joined the walk in her body of light too. It was she who had first taken our family to ‘the Island’. So we became FIVE generations celebrating together in the sunshine. For me it was not only a very happy and memorable family day, but another experience of the interpenetration of heaven and earth. Truly, as Minesta so often used to say to me, where there is love, there need be no separation just because the physical body has ‘died’. Life and love are eternal.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Being A Star Pilgrim

Dear Friends,
On Sunday I was at our London Centre. We had an afternoon on the theme of Earth healing, and being a Star Pilgrim. Many of you know how the Star is such a powerful and magical symbol and helps us really focus as a united group to make a real contribution to healing and uplifting our world.
It was many years ago now that we first printed a leaflet entitled There IS Something You Can Do Now—about the power of the Star and encouraging everyone to join in. In preparation for my talk on being a pilgrim of the Star I looked again at the words and loved these: ‘A part of the power of the Star is that through this symbol a connection is made with the great angels of the Christ Star who help the magic happen.’
The great angels of the Christ Star felt particularly radiant to me on Sunday, and at last we were blessed with physical sunshine too! White Eagle also seemed to come into the centre of the group on a ray of heavenly sunshine! His message to us all was, and is, ‘Never doubt the power of God to work through you’, and that every one of us can make a powerful contribution to heal and uplift our planet and work ever more closely with the great angels.
I think that a wonderful thing about working with the Star is that we can do it anywhere at any time, it doesn’t matter where we live or whether we are confined by physical circumstances. We can all be Star pilgrims and make an inner journey to spread the light of the Star to every troubled country and heart.
With my love and encouragement,