Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Purpose of Evil and Darkness

White Eagle says: ‘The real purpose of so-called evil or darkness is to bring forth good. In the beginning there was darkness, but also in the beginning God said: “Let there be light”, and there was light. All the dark conditions and inharmonies of earth are really for human benefit.’

When we hear on the news of terrible things happening, such as the abduction of the little girl April, it can be difficult not to question, ‘How can God and the angels allow such a thing as this to happen?’  I have been thinking about this a lot in the last few days, as no doubt you have too. I have just opened the October issue of our magazine Stella Polaris and read White Eagle’s words in this on the subject of darkness and light, and I do recommend this to you and also what I have written in my ‘Links of Light’ opening letter in the same issue.

Returning to the story of April, I truly believe the best thing we can all do is to try to concentrate all our attention on sending healing light to all involved, and keep our thoughts centred on the Star. It is indeed hard to come to terms with the question of why, and not fall into judgement, blame or fear, but somehow I feel we must try to be constant in our belief in God’s love and that ultimately valuable lessons are learned through awful things, and our hearts are opened in deeper compassion and unconditional love. It is also a call to our faith in the principle White Eagle has given us that the essence of every human being is love and goodness, even if this is obscured and covered up. This does not, of course, condone acts of cruelty, but I believe it is our work to serve the Master in looking to the light within everyone and helping to bring it forth by our belief in it and by our thoughts, so that the pull towards violence of any kind loses its hold.

‘Within you all are the two aspects of life, the positive and negative, wisdom and ignorance, light and darkness, spirit and the pull of the body; of earthiness. Your true purpose is to develop the son of God within your soul. We understand the conflict which ever rages in the hearts of men and women. We do not blame. We do not condemn. We see instead a process of spiritual unfoldment taking place.’  White Eagle

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