What a wonderful Jubilee concert last weekend! Not just the
music and range of artists, but two things struck me from a more spiritual
perspective. The first was the Gary Barlow/Lloyd Webber song—beautiful and
uplifting lyrics and sounds which touch the heart, but amazingly he brought the
musicians and singers to London
to perform it. So that there on that stage were young men and women from the
slums in Africa, with instruments made from rubbish, young girls from Kenya, a
blind aboriginal musician and singer, alongside the Military Wives and others—creating harmony not only of music, but of brotherhood in action.
At the same time as the Jubilee Celebrations we have had a
rare transit of Venus over the Sun, the Olympic torch travelling hand to hand
around the country, and in N and S Ireland in particular over the weekend, and
the Christ Full Moon—all this happening at once must be significant at a
vibrational level and to me it is a manifestation on earth of a great ray of
love and light from those working to bring tolerance, harmony and a sense of togetherness
to our world. This was joyously demonstrated in the views we had of the mingling
crowds down the Mall during the concert.
We have also recently welcomed leaders from our Nepalese group to England. Here they are leading some Nepalese dancing in the Temple. They are doing such marvelous brotherhood in action work with orphans and very poor people in Nepal.