Monday, 25 June 2012

Earth Healing at New Lands - linking with the elements and eachother

In this uncertain summer weather, we were so blessed that by 3.00pm on Summer Solstice Day 24th June, which White Eagle had guided us to designate as our Global Earth Healing Day for all White Eagle Centres all over the world, the sun was shining and Jeremy was able to lead us out onto the beautiful field near the Temple where we have our great cross-within-the-circle, mown amongst the wild flower meadow. It was a magical experience to be amongst the wild flowers, with the larks singing above, the gentle breeze, the warm sunshine, the beauty of the clouds; everyone in the circle looking so free and happy. Jeremy led us in a healing chant as we walked around the circle and met in the middle to bless the earth.

Before we went out into the open space of the cross-within-the-circle meadow, Jeremy had shared with us emails from some of our UK Regional Star Centres about their gathering plans for this same day and time. (Earlier in the day, during our Brotherhood attunement, we had linked with our sister Temples and all overseas groups, working in different time zones of course, but all together at the inner level on this special day.)

My heart is thrilled with joy that so many people all over the world realise that there is SOMETHING THEY CAN DO to help our beautiful planet. This day of prayer and earth healing attunement is ‘just one drop in the ocean’ but White Eagle encourages us that every single effort really does count, that individual drops do indeed make an ocean. People all over the world are realising how much they love our beautiful planet, and how much we want to heal and nurture it.
‘In time you will be able, by your thought power and your attuning yourselves to the Great White Spirit, to direct the light of the Sun (Son) into life; and in time this will produce on earth a great brotherhood of life. More than this, it will gradually purify and illumine this planet so that it will become one of the eternal stars in the firmament.’

Monday, 11 June 2012

Our Happy 38th Anniversary Celebration!

The years fly by don’t they? Preparing for our Anniversary Festival Day on Sunday, I could hardly believe that it is now 38 years since the White Temple on the hilltop here at New Lands was dedicated in service to the Brotherhood of the Star. Our day began with a Retreat Morning on the theme of Bridge to the World of Light, and my cousin Colum and I talked about this ‘building the bridge’ being such a foundation part of our White Eagle work from the very beginning, and now of our unfolding Wisdom School. Our astrologer Simon then spoke about the horoscope of the Lodge and the Temple, and also briefly about Grace Cooke’s chart and how clearly these show the integration of heavenly wisdom with earthly wisdom and our underlying principle of service to the whole world, and the brotherhood of all nations. I do believe that White Eagle is asking us to focus on this especially in the year of 2012—a year of great opportunity for us all. When thinking this, I was drawn to these words from The Light Bringer: We would have you realise that however simple, however obscure your own life, you have come back to earth for a special purpose. You have come not only to develop your divine consciousness but also to pioneer the pathway which will become the path for all who follow. You cannot help but develop your own character and divinity if you are truly serving others.

During the celebratory day Minesta reminded me of the time in 1966 when she first had the clear instruction from White Eagle that she had to go ahead and build a physical temple on the hilltop at New Lands, thus fulfilling ‘the plan laid long ago by the Illumined Ones behind this work’. In her everyday self she was really worried about the mammoth task she had been set. However were we to raise the money for building the Temple! She sought advice from professional fund raisers who told her that in building projects of this kind usually the money was raised by targeting a few rich donors, but she knew this was not the way we do things. Instead she followed White Eagle’s direction to write a simple appeal from her heart to all supporters of the work all round the world. As a result of this, many, many hundreds of little gifts came in, which together brought the vision of the heavenly temple to earth. It is lovely to think that our temple is built from the little gifts of many, many people—so there we are…everyone’s contribution to the light is significant!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Such a Special Time!

What a wonderful Jubilee concert last weekend! Not just the music and range of artists, but two things struck me from a more spiritual perspective. The first was the Gary Barlow/Lloyd Webber song—beautiful and uplifting lyrics and sounds which touch the heart, but amazingly he brought the musicians and singers to London to perform it. So that there on that stage were young men and women from the slums in Africa, with instruments made from rubbish, young girls from Kenya, a blind aboriginal musician and singer, alongside the Military Wives and others—creating harmony not only of music, but of brotherhood in action.
At the same time as the Jubilee Celebrations we have had a rare transit of Venus over the Sun, the Olympic torch travelling hand to hand around the country, and in N and S Ireland in particular over the weekend, and the Christ Full Moon—all this happening at once must be significant at a vibrational level and to me it is a manifestation on earth of a great ray of love and light from those working to bring tolerance, harmony and a sense of togetherness to our world. This was joyously demonstrated in the views we had of the mingling crowds down the Mall during the concert.
We have also recently welcomed leaders from our Nepalese group to England. Here they are leading some Nepalese dancing in the Temple. They are doing such marvelous brotherhood in action work with orphans and very poor people in Nepal.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee

It is wonderful to be able to enjoy all the celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and it made me think of White Eagle’s words, given at the time of her coronation in 1953.

‘She who is to be crowned wishes no more than simply to serve her people. She from her heart asked for the prayers of all her subjects. We are all praying that she may have the strength to fulfill her grand destiny. All of you, we know, will give from your heart the love which is there to sustain and strengthen her. In so doing you are bringing yourselves—consciously or unconsciously—into the aura of the Christ spirit. For not only will she be raised up, but every one of you can respond to this spiritual crowning, for upon all the people will descend a golden radiance at the time of the Coronation, for this is a great cosmic as well as an earthly event. God bless the Queen!’

I’m sure that in a subtle and beautiful way this ‘great cosmic event’ is being re-activated and re-stimulated now in the special year of 2012. I find it interesting that there has been so much thought concentrated upon this year, sadly most of it negative. When our astrologer, Simon, (Principal of White Eagle’s School of Astrology, see gave a talk in the New Lands Temple at the beginning of this year entitled ‘2012 and the Global Future’ he spoke instead  about the opportunity we have in the White Eagle Lodge (and all light workers have)to work with the Star to uplift the thought atmosphere of the world. These kinds of celebrations do just that, don’t they! (For those who are interested in astrology, you might like to know that this work with the Star is shown in the Winter Solstice 2012 chart because the Sun and Moon in the Lodge’s own horoscope is the rising degree of that chart.)

I’ve just written about our veneration for the Queen and royal family and how we include them in our prayers, in our Lodge magazine Stella Polaris. The Queen has led such an extraordinary life of dedicated service and unstinting effort. It touches my heart to think of how much she has promoted deeper understanding between all the countries of the world through example, diplomacy and compassion! I can’t help but think that even those who are not so keen on the idea of a monarchy must be touched and inspired by her example. Many people comment on how she has remained dignified and resolute throughout many personal and national upheavals and thankfully has come through now into what many pray is a time of great fulfillment and joy with the marriage of her grandson William last year. God bless our Queen.