Monday 14 May 2012

May 2012 - Welcome from Jenny

Hello and welcome

This first greeting is of welcome and introduction to our new STAR NOTES blog.

In the White Eagle Lodge I am known as ‘Lodge Mother'.

I was ‘brought up with White Eagle’ as the White Eagle Lodge was started by my grandmother Grace Cooke. I was born in one of the little cottages on New Lands estate, just across the field from the Temple (built in 1974), and started my work in the Lodge when I was just seventeen—amazingly forty eight years ago. I have just celebrated my sixty-fifth birthday! (A very happy day spent with my children and grandchildren – see my Facebook (link..). All my life I have ‘followed the Star’—the powerful symbol White Eagle had offered us as a focal point for prayer, meditation and healing; and so it feels really appropriate to be calling this blog STAR NOTES.

I plan to write new ‘postings’ as often as I can about our White Eagle work which now is truly worldwide. I love travelling and hope to include in Star Notes things about my visits to our White Eagle Star Centres in many different countries, as well as news of our visitors here, and special events in our ’family’ all around the world.

A keynote of White Eagle’s work is ‘one family worldwide’ and I do hope all readers will feel this.

With my love and encouragement


Star Thoughts - from White Eagle's 'Book of Starlight'

'The Star is the most powerful symbol which can be used for the good of humanity. It is a symbol of the perfect power and love in every human soul. Keep hope in your heart as you hold the vision of the Star, and always allow the power of love, balanced with wisdom (which shines from that Star) to guide your thoughts, your speech, your actions.'