Friday, 16 September 2022

Faith is Caught, Not Taught

‘Faith is caught, not taught’ was a favourite saying of my Mum’s (Joan Hodgson). When I first heard it – many years ago – I did not realise how true it was. In the present particularly challenging times, it is a wonderful gift to possess, but it usually doesn’t work to say to someone ‘You must have faith!’  I am a naturally optimistic person and so lucky to have grown up with White Eagle’s wise and loving teaching, but reading things does not necessarily give us the gift of faith, even if what we read feels true. A deep inner faith in God’s goodness and the ultimate outworking of an extraordinarily wise plan for the evolution of humankind, is fostered not so much through reading and talking, or mental activity, but through being closely associated with others who have unshakeable faith. Our faith is encouraged through emotional rapport.

 In the White Eagle community our faith is fostered by our shared service. The Star binds us together and we learn from one another in a process like osmosis! (The emotions are linked to the water element and we are all composed of more than 60% water!) Every day (after all these years) I feel I am learning more about the power of the Star. When moments of doubt do come along, as I am sure they do for us all, my Star breathing never fails. I imagine the light flowing through my whole body (that wise and wonderful planet, Jupiter, rules the blood stream) and I am always uplifted and re-connected with the ‘grail cup of faith’ in my heart. I do hope these words will encourage you when the doubts come along and the ‘Star magic’ will re-fill your heart’s grail cup.

 White Eagle reminds us in ‘The Quiet Mind’ pp.95/95: 

‘We can speak so confidently about the outcome of all your human problems because we know that all human life is governed by a divine law, perfect in its outworking. The purpose of that law is to draw all men and women, all the human family, into a consciousness of God. Do not look backwards unless it is to say: ‘How beautiful is the path that I have traversed!’ Do not regret the past. You are moving forward, travelling life’s path to find happiness once again, and this time an enhanced happiness.’

 PS.  I wrote this before hearing the news of our Queen's passing. I am sure that she is now 'reaping her Heavenly Harvest' for her extraordinary life of dedicated service. Her faith was indeed a guiding principle in her life and I am certain it has been 'caught' by many thousands of people all around the world.