Friday, 24 November 2017

What is Freedom?

We often find these days stories in the media about political prisoners and infringement of human rights. Even though we are now very much in the Aquarian age, issues of brotherhood are arising all the time. The wonderful ideal of the Declaration of Human Rights in 1776 at the end of the American War of Independence (and to which Grace Cooke refers in her opening chapter on Who is White Eagle, in `Memories of Reincarnation`) seems incredibly hard for nations to actually put into practice. In some ways I feel the Declaration marked the real beginning of Aquarian energy manifesting in the world, but, as with all deep change it is a long process with much opportunity for individual and collective learning and transformation!

An Aquarian age charity which works for individual human rights, Amnesty International, gives many examples in its magazines. One quote which stands out for me is from Fred Bauma of the Republic of Congo. He says his country is one of the world`s richest in natural resources and in natural beauty. It could be paradise, but instead it is like hell, due to war and political dicatorship. Freed, after years of imprisonment for speaking out against the Regime, Fred says: `Losing my freedom showed me how precious it is.`

Freedom is not just about not being within a physical prison, of course, and the Aquarian energy is bringing so many opportunities to free ourselves from old patterns of thought, old boundaries, restrictions and judgemental ways of living. It is also about the realisation that whatever our outer circumstances we can live inwardly in the freedom of our body of light and the realisation that we can all learn to transcend earthly restrictions and persecution, whether real or perceived, and fly freely into the sunlight of heaven.

Whenever I read media stories, such as the one about Fred Bauma and other cases of infringement of human rights, I always think about the magical power of the Star, and how our prayers can and do help bring about miracles and speed up the change of consciousness which is happening as humanity collectively awakens to the new energy of true brotherhood. And always, we have the wonderful White Eagle teaching to inspire and reminds us: 

‘Look to the light. The light shall overcome all darkness and set you free. Freedom means peace of soul, happiness, joy abounding, and abundance of all needful things. Yes, humanity is approaching the time when you will be able to command for the good of all people the action of the light in matter.’