Monday, 5 June 2017

Keeping Strong, Still and Steady

‘Humanity holds within its heart the balance. It is of vital importance that this balance between the positive and negative should be kept. Negative thoughts can weigh the balance down too much on the dark side. Positive good thoughts are needed to maintain it as it should rightly be held in your world. Invisible beings are drawn to human kind to help forward evolution and they take their keynote from humanity itself.’

White Eagle is reminding us of the vital importance to keep strong, still and steady, no matter what is going on around us in the world. He has led me to open his book White Eagle on Living in Harmony with the Spirit at page 126. As we witness the turmoil and distress, the suffering and uncertainty, it is so important to try to remain strong in the light, centred and at peace within, with complete faith in the perfection of God’s plan for all life, and the absolute justice of divine law.

In doing this we are raising the vibration around us and radiating light which can be used for healing. If we can do this, we can truly make a difference.

In Living in Harmony White Eagle goes on to say: ‘The pure spirit of the Son of God, the Christos, operating through the human mind and soul, must hold the balance in life…… if only you could cultivate that inner knowledge, that certainty that God is all good—that God is all-wise and that the divine laws are for the illumination of all human kind.’