Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Good will come - keep your vision on the Star

White Eagle tells us in The Quiet Mind: ‘Continually project thoughts of goodwill, brotherhood and love. Always see good, even if the good appears infinitesimal in comparison with other things. Let your thoughts of love and goodwill be broadcast. You cannot know how much good you will do by allowing your higher mind to dominate your life.’

I know that some of my blog readers live outside the UK, but I am sure you may have also witnessed the confusion and upset here following our referendum result. White Eagle’s guidance to us all is to remain steady and calm, focusing our thoughts on the clear image of the six-pointed Star shining over Britain and the whole world. We need to try not to get caught up in media stories, which create fear and uncertainty, or in personal opinion. My advice is to try to hold ourselves, in some ways detached, and keep very poised and calm. Try just ‘being’ the steady Star quietly radiating light to everyone. White Eagle so often reminds us that the power of God, the power of the Star, is stronger than any material darkness or confusion. Most important lessons about brotherhood are truly being learned through it all.

As the stories unfolded on 24th June, I personally experienced a growing feeling of peace and the absolute conviction that, although none of us can predict at this present time how everything will work out, good will come.

I have just now been listening to a recording of a talk given by our Principal of the White Eagle School of Astrology, Simon Bentley, entitled ‘United States of Europe?’. Simon gave this talk right back in January, but it is so relevant at this present time and very inspiring. In his talk Simon quotes White Eagle’s words (from many years ago). ‘There WILL be a United States of Europe’. He talks eloquently about how the horoscope shows so clearly the troubles which have beset the EU, but also the amazing far reaching and far seeing vision behind it… a true vision of brotherhood in action. Simon still believes, as I do, that this vision is achievable with the power of the Star focused upon it. Simon also goes on to speak most evocatively about the European migrant crisis and how this gives Europe (and Britain) an opportunity to put right the karmic consequences of our old colonial misuse of power. (To purchase the CD of this talk contact

So my dear friends, let us keep steady in our faith that good will come and keep our vision on the Star of true Brotherhood shining over Europe and the whole world.