Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Miracle of Peace

Dear Friends,
I am sitting in a Little Temple for World Peace in Sri Lanka, writing this to you.  Tomorrow I fly home to England.
It is afternoon and the sun, on its downward path towards sunset, is shining on the white foam of the waves as they break on the shore. A soft warm breeze blows through the palm trees which surround the Temple. Tropical birds call to one another. A gloriously coloured kingfisher comes by briefly, as though to say ‘hello’. The Temple is beautiful with its freshly painted eight white pillars and yellow Star on the floor and roof. In February 2006 when the Temple was dedicated, civil war was still tearing this country apart. Now, thankfully, peace is restored and four religions live happily side by side. The Star has helped the miracle of peace unfold in many hearts. I am so thankful.This is a place where for me heaven and earth are one. It is easy to feel inspiration here; closeness of loved ones; God in the beauty of the nature all around. Maybe you would like to come in thought to this pure white shrine of peace by the tropical sea and join me in prayer here! Even though I leave Sri Lanka physically now, in my body of light I am so often in this little white temple by the sea!
With my love,